Thursday, May 28, 2009

Scrapbook Layouts

I wanted to post some scrapbooking layouts that I thought were super cute!! Hope you like

"PuppyLove" we bought a new German Sheperd puppy and we all fell in love with him!!

In 2007 we took a trip to Dallas TX and visited Six Flags. We had tons of fun. The reason we're with Pepe Le Pew was because my mother is an avid collector of all things skunk ;) strange I know. But if you've met her then you'd understand.

We met Wonder Woman at Six Flags... and she was hott!! lol Can't you tell!!

Last but not least. This is a sample of a title page I did for my scrapbook of my boyfriend and myself. I know it's sometimes hard to think of Title pages for books so here's some inspiration.

Thanks for stopping by!!

Nutty Cropperz

Well since this blog is about scrapbooking, I want to post some pics of the FAMOUS scrapbookers I crop with and of course our group name!!! The Nutty Cropperz started as a joke from a husband of a cropper and I guess it just stuck!!

Thanks for stopping by!!


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blogs I Follow

Wow are you sure it's Wednesday? The three day weekend put my brain out of sorts and I swear it feels like a Tuesday :D. O well I'll recover eventually! lol

I wanted to give a few pointers to everyone who's new to Blogger... if you'll look on the side of my blog you'll find a list of different blogs that I like to read and keep updated on because they have some really great ideas and inspirational stuff. Just click on the highlighted link above there blog descriptions and it should automatically take you to that blog. They are all scrapbook related and maybe you'll find something that's helpful for you. They are, for the most part, setup like mine with pics of ideas and posts to describe them. Also if you find a blog you like and would also like to follow it, go to the tab on the right hand side that says "follow" by clicking this and entering you name & email address, you'll automatically get sent emails everytime that blog posts new entries!! I hope I was helpful!!


Friday, May 22, 2009

Stampin Up Project

A few months ago I joined a stamping club at my local scrapbooking store Scrapbooks & Such, we meet on the first Thursday of every month. Usually we learn different stamping techniques and take home so real cute stamping projects.Today (of course) was no surprise!! =) Getting ready for summer birthdays, we made a few flavorful ice cream birthday cards. A lemon, lime, chocolate-covered strawberry & cherry. They look so yummy I wanna take a bite out of 'em!!

We also made another card that was also super cute & super easy!! (Dont you just love that *wink) We used an ice blue chalk stamp and water colors pencils to decorate beautiful hydrangia stamp. With coordinating paper & ribbon. Tonight was tons of fun!!

OO and I can't forget to give credit where it's due!!! These cards were designed by Vivian Popenhagen's creative brain!! She made it super easy to recreate! Thanks crafty lady!! She owns Scrapbooks & Such in Odessa TX and here's a link to her website:

Till tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So I tried my hand at Pillow Boxes. Let me know what you think!!

I made these for Easter this year by using my Bug (cricut) & George & Basic Shapes Cart. They were made for a Women's Bible Study class my grandmother attends. The insides were filled with candy and tied with a piece of ribbon.

I also made some that were for an elementry class. The easter dogs were made with Paper Pups and the GBS carts.And you'll find those at the bottom.

If you would like to have instruction on how I made these, please e-mail me.

Everyone loved them!! They were super easy to make. I absolutely loved the way they turned out and it was ever better when I gave them away.
Hopefully soon I'll have some more pics posted of other crafts I've completed and instructions if you'd like them.
!!Thanks for stopping by & Come back soon!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Welcome Everyone!!

Hello my name is Lisa D Meyer. A born and raised west Texas gal!

A little bit about me: I have a passion for everything scrapbooking!! I love to perserve memories in any form from shadows boxes to scrapbooks. You think it and I've probably done it. I started this blog as a way to share my ideas and hope to inspire others.
I'll try to update often as I progress with projects.

Thanks for stopping by hopefully I'll have so ideas and finished products posted soon.