Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blogs I Follow

Wow are you sure it's Wednesday? The three day weekend put my brain out of sorts and I swear it feels like a Tuesday :D. O well I'll recover eventually! lol

I wanted to give a few pointers to everyone who's new to Blogger... if you'll look on the side of my blog you'll find a list of different blogs that I like to read and keep updated on because they have some really great ideas and inspirational stuff. Just click on the highlighted link above there blog descriptions and it should automatically take you to that blog. They are all scrapbook related and maybe you'll find something that's helpful for you. They are, for the most part, setup like mine with pics of ideas and posts to describe them. Also if you find a blog you like and would also like to follow it, go to the tab on the right hand side that says "follow" by clicking this and entering you name & email address, you'll automatically get sent emails everytime that blog posts new entries!! I hope I was helpful!!


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