Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So I tried my hand at Pillow Boxes. Let me know what you think!!

I made these for Easter this year by using my Bug (cricut) & George & Basic Shapes Cart. They were made for a Women's Bible Study class my grandmother attends. The insides were filled with candy and tied with a piece of ribbon.

I also made some that were for an elementry class. The easter dogs were made with Paper Pups and the GBS carts.And you'll find those at the bottom.

If you would like to have instruction on how I made these, please e-mail me.

Everyone loved them!! They were super easy to make. I absolutely loved the way they turned out and it was ever better when I gave them away.
Hopefully soon I'll have some more pics posted of other crafts I've completed and instructions if you'd like them.
!!Thanks for stopping by & Come back soon!!

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