Thursday, May 28, 2009

Scrapbook Layouts

I wanted to post some scrapbooking layouts that I thought were super cute!! Hope you like

"PuppyLove" we bought a new German Sheperd puppy and we all fell in love with him!!

In 2007 we took a trip to Dallas TX and visited Six Flags. We had tons of fun. The reason we're with Pepe Le Pew was because my mother is an avid collector of all things skunk ;) strange I know. But if you've met her then you'd understand.

We met Wonder Woman at Six Flags... and she was hott!! lol Can't you tell!!

Last but not least. This is a sample of a title page I did for my scrapbook of my boyfriend and myself. I know it's sometimes hard to think of Title pages for books so here's some inspiration.

Thanks for stopping by!!

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